Our daily lives in Zambia at Upeme Hope Children's Centre; an orphanage and community school.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
We never have a dull moment! Someone asked me what we do when our kids get in trouble - what is a punishment...well, usually we have them water the garden. The other day, however, one of the older boys pushed my buttons too many times. We have field that a few years ago they grew maize in, and it was never cleaned well. It is right in the middle of the property and it doesn't look nice. I had one of the boys clean it up (he didn't do that good of a job, but enough that I was satisfied with his punishment). The other boys thought this was a great opportunity to clear just a little more and make a little stunt jump! These boys are talented! The would run, jump off the cement blocks and over the stick and do a flip! In the first picture Nelson and Precious are holding the stick and Simon is flipping. Second picture Nelson and Simon are holding the stick and Peter is jumping. Last is a video, it is only 12 seconds, and very worth your while - enjoy! Peter jumps first, and the Frank second....they are jumping over Simon :)
Hi Katie and Curtis! You don't know me, but our parents are good friends -- y mom and dad are Phyllis and LeRoy Meyer from DeGraff, formerly of Our Redeemers in Benson. I just wanted to leave you a little note today to let you know how much I enjoy following your blogs. You are doing amazing things there, touching lives and creating more good than you'll likely ever know. Thank you!
And to think I held my breath watching your little sister do stunts like that with a trampoline and mats! A much softer landing if there was an 'oops'! You have talented children, to be sure! Thanks for posting the pictures and the video. Fun to watch.
We are Curtis and Katie Kline. Married July 4, 2008. Katie grew up in Duluth, MN and Benson, MN and Curtis grew up in Grand Junction, CO. We met while we were studying abroad in Nairobi, Kenya. We fell in love because of our mutual desire to serve the Lord and serve our neighbors in Christ all over the world. We are currently serving with the ELCA and IELCO in Bogota, Colombia.
Hi Katie and Curtis! You don't know me, but our parents are good friends -- y mom and dad are Phyllis and LeRoy Meyer from DeGraff, formerly of Our Redeemers in Benson. I just wanted to leave you a little note today to let you know how much I enjoy following your blogs. You are doing amazing things there, touching lives and creating more good than you'll likely ever know. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAnd to think I held my breath watching your little sister do stunts like that with a trampoline and mats! A much softer landing if there was an 'oops'! You have talented children, to be sure! Thanks for posting the pictures and the video. Fun to watch.