Not much rubbish here gets wasted by throwing it away. Most things have the possibility for much more than one use. When Katie and I buy are groceries we always save the plastic bags. Sometimes the boys want to use them to roll up into a soccer ball (when I won’t let them use the nice one), or use them as a bag to carry their notebooks for school. Yesterday they all came by asking for a few “plastics” each. They took a few sticks and turned it into a kite. They then took the woven bags that we were storing the maize in, and unraveled some parts of them to make some string. A new piece of string had to be tied on about every six feet or so.
Here is a picture of Bobo (2nd grade) getting his kite started in the air.
Here is one that Boyd (5th grade) had built. All the other boys said that He was the professional, and his was the highest flying kite.